Institute of Computer Science | ||
Publications from 1981 till 1989 |
R. Feldmann, B. Monien, P. Mysliwietz, O. Vornberger
Distributed Game-Tree Search
Journal of the ICCA, 12(2), June 1989, pp. 65-73, 1989
B. Monien, O. Vornberger
Parallel Alpha-Beta versus Parallel SSS*
Proc. of the IFIP WG 10.3 Working Conference on Distributed Processing, North Holland, 1988
B. Monien, E. Speckenmeyer, O. Vornberger
Superlinear Speedup for Parallel Backtracking
Procs. of the Intern. Conf. on Supercomputing,
O. Vornberger
Load Balancing in a Network of Transputers
International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG '87), Springer LNCS, 1987
B. Monien, O. Vornberger
Parallel processing of combinatorial search trees
Procs. Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, Akademie-Verlag Berlin, pp. 60-69, 1987
J. Y. T. Leung, O. Vornberger, J. D. Witthoff
On Some Variants of the Bandwidth Minimization Problem
SIAM Journal on Computing 13, pp. 650-667, 1984
O. Vornberger
The separation problem
Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Hanser Verlag 1983, pp. 267-280, 1983
B. Monien, E. Speckenmeyer, O. Vornberger
Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 20, 1983
O. Vornberger
Alternating cycle covers and paths
Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer LNCS 100, pp. 367-378, 1981
B. Monien, E. Speckenmeyer, O. Vornberger
On the LBA problem
Procs. FCT 81, Springer LNCS 117, pp. 265-280, 1981
B. Monien, E. Speckenmeyer, O. Vornberger
Upper bounds for covering problems
Methods of Operations Research 43, pp. 419-431, 1981
M. Blum, R. M. Karp, O. Vornberger, C. H. Papadimitriou, M. Yannakakis
The Complexity of Testing Whether a Graph is a Superconcentrator
Information Processing Letters 13, pp. 164-167, 1981
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