Crossing Number Workshop 2014
in Maribor (Slovenia), June 11–15
"Combinatorial optimization approaches to graph crossing numbers"

The program below is exact w.r.t. the dates. The topics are tentative and subject to change. Details will become available, and specifics will improve over time...
Day 0: Wed, June 11th
arrivals, welcome party
Day 1: Thu, June 12th [Intro day]
Introduction to graph drawing (Drago Bokal)
Bounds for the crossing number of the n-cube (Luerbio Faria)
5min talks on crossing number activity (by all participants)
5min talks on combinatorial optimization problems (by all participants)
Day 2: Fri, June 13th [Crossing numbers day]
Approximating multiple edge insertion and crossing number (Petr Hliněný)
Inserting few edges optimally (Markus Chimani)
Minor crossing numbers (Laszlo Szekely)
Conference dinner
Day 3: Sat, June 14th [Combinatorial optimization day]
Combinatorial optimization models in crossing number (Eva Czabarka)
On the vertek-k-path cover problems (Andrej Taranenko)
Max-k-cut problem and frequency assignment in modern wireless networks (Janez Povh)
Day 4: Sun, June 15th [Other hot topics day]
Rotation systems and crossing numbers of good drawings (Oswin Aichholzer)
Crossing number critical graphs (Gelasio Salazar)