Class GTKItemFactory

Inherits from:
Declared in:

Class Hierarchy


Last modified:
21-Feb-2002 (GToolKit/GToolKit.m)

Method Index

+ (void) addForeign:(GTKWidget *) accel_widget fullPath:(NSString *) full_path accelGroup:(GTKAccelGroup *) accel_group keyval:(guint) keyval modifiers:(GdkModifierType) modifiers
+ (void) dumpItems:(GtkPatternSpec *) path_pspec modifiedOnly:(gboolean) modified_only printFunc:(GtkPrintFunc) print_func funcData:(gpointer) func_data
+ (void) dumpRc:(NSString *) file_name pathPspec:(GtkPatternSpec *) path_pspec modifiedOnly:(gboolean) modified_only
+ (GTKItemFactory*) fromWidget:(GTKWidget *) widget
+ (GtkType) getType
+ (id) itemFactoryWithContainerType:(GtkType) container_type path:(NSString *) path accelGroup:(GTKAccelGroup *) accel_group
+ (void) parseRc:(NSString *) file_name
+ (void) parseRcScanner:(GScanner *) scanner
+ (void) parseRcString:(NSString *) rc_string
+ (NSString *) pathFromWidget:(GTKWidget *) widget
+ (gpointer) popupDataFromWidget:(GTKWidget *) widget
- (GTKAccelGroup *) accelGroup
- (void) createItem:(GtkItemFactoryEntry *) entry callbackData:(gpointer) callback_data callbackType:(guint) callback_type
- (void) createItems:(GTKItemFactoryEntry *) entries count:(guint) count forTarget:(id) target
- (void) createItems:(guint) n_entries entries:(GtkItemFactoryEntry *) entries callbackData:(gpointer) callback_data
- (void) deleteEntries:(GTKItemFactoryEntry *) entries count:(guint) count
- (void) deleteEntries:(guint) n_entries entries:(GtkItemFactoryEntry *) entries
- (void) deleteEntry:(GtkItemFactoryEntry *) entry
- (void) deleteItem:(NSString *) path
- (GTKWidget*) getItem:(NSString *) path
- (GTKWidget*) getItemByAction:(guint) action
- (GTKWidget*) getWidget:(NSString *) path
- (GTKWidget*) getWidgetByAction:(guint) action
- (id) initWithContainerType:(GtkType) container_type path:(NSString *) path accelGroup:(GTKAccelGroup *) accel_group
- (void) popup:(guint) x y:(guint) y mouseButton:(guint) mouse_button time:(guint32) time
- (gpointer) popupData
- (void) popupWithData:(gpointer) popup_data destroy:(GtkDestroyNotify) destroy x:(guint) x y:(guint) y mouseButton:(guint) mouse_button time:(guint32) time
- (void) setTranslateFunc:(GtkTranslateFunc) func data:(gpointer) data notify:(GtkDestroyNotify) notify


+ (void) addForeign:(GTKWidget *) accel_widget fullPath:(NSString *) full_path accelGroup:(GTKAccelGroup *) accel_group keyval:(guint) keyval modifiers:(GdkModifierType) modifiers

+ (void) dumpItems:(GtkPatternSpec *) path_pspec modifiedOnly:(gboolean) modified_only printFunc:(GtkPrintFunc) print_func funcData:(gpointer) func_data

+ (void) dumpRc:(NSString *) file_name pathPspec:(GtkPatternSpec *) path_pspec modifiedOnly:(gboolean) modified_only

+ (GTKItemFactory*) fromWidget:(GTKWidget *) widget

+ (GtkType) getType

+getType in class GTKObject

+ (id) itemFactoryWithContainerType:(GtkType) container_type path:(NSString *) path accelGroup:(GTKAccelGroup *) accel_group

+ (void) parseRc:(NSString *) file_name

+ (void) parseRcScanner:(GScanner *) scanner

+ (void) parseRcString:(NSString *) rc_string

+ (NSString *) pathFromWidget:(GTKWidget *) widget

+ (gpointer) popupDataFromWidget:(GTKWidget *) widget

- (GTKAccelGroup *) accelGroup

- (void) createItem:(GtkItemFactoryEntry *) entry callbackData:(gpointer) callback_data callbackType:(guint) callback_type

- (void) createItems:(GTKItemFactoryEntry *) entries count:(guint) count forTarget:(id) target

This is the preferred method to create item factoy entries. Note that it expects a vector of type GTKItemFactoryEntry (defined in GToolKit/GTKItemFactory.h) instead of the original GtkItemFactoryEntry.

See also:

- (void) createItems:(guint) n_entries entries:(GtkItemFactoryEntry *) entries callbackData:(gpointer) callback_data

- (void) deleteEntries:(GTKItemFactoryEntry *) entries count:(guint) count

This is the preferred method to delete item factoy entries. Note that it expects a vector of type GTKItemFactoryEntry (defined in GToolKit/GTKItemFactory.h) instead of the original GtkItemFactoryEntry.

See also:

- (void) deleteEntries:(guint) n_entries entries:(GtkItemFactoryEntry *) entries

- (void) deleteEntry:(GtkItemFactoryEntry *) entry

- (void) deleteItem:(NSString *) path

- (GTKWidget*) getItem:(NSString *) path

- (GTKWidget*) getItemByAction:(guint) action

- (GTKWidget*) getWidget:(NSString *) path

- (GTKWidget*) getWidgetByAction:(guint) action

- (id) initWithContainerType:(GtkType) container_type path:(NSString *) path accelGroup:(GTKAccelGroup *) accel_group

- (void) popup:(guint) x y:(guint) y mouseButton:(guint) mouse_button time:(guint32) time

- (gpointer) popupData

- (void) popupWithData:(gpointer) popup_data destroy:(GtkDestroyNotify) destroy x:(guint) x y:(guint) y mouseButton:(guint) mouse_button time:(guint32) time

- (void) setTranslateFunc:(GtkTranslateFunc) func data:(gpointer) data notify:(GtkDestroyNotify) notify

generated on 06-Mar-2002 by ObjcDoc 3.0.1