Logo U. Osnabrueck Institute of Computer ScienceKnowledge-Based Systems Research Group

Dr. Kai Lingemann

Image of Kai Lingemann
(Click to enlarge)

University of Osnabrück
Institute of Computer Science
Albrechtstraße 28
Room: 31/506
49069 Osnabrück

Fon: (+49|0) 541/969-2623
Fax: (+49|0) 541/969-2799

Fields of interest:

Autonomous Mobile Robots

3D Robot/Computer Vision
Sensor Data Interpretation
Sensor Based Planning
Artificial Intelligence

Teaching (Assistent): see KBS

check out our new book

Note for students from abroad: We do not offer summer internships!
Exception: You bring your own complete financing and you have experience in our fields of interest and
you make this clear in your application. Otherwise, unsolicited applications will not be answered.

Kai Lingemann Teaching Publications Videos Press Downloads (KBS)

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Last changed: 2006-04-04