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Dr. Kai Lingemann - Publications

Kai Lingemann Teaching Publications Videos Press Downloads (KBS)


  • Nils Niemann, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg. Planung von optimalen Scanposen zur Nach-Erfassung verschatteter Bereiche in 3D-Szenen In: Luhmann/Müller (eds.): Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechnik. Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2014, Wichmann Verlag, Februar 2015

  • Thomas Wiemann, Hendrik Annuth, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg. An Extended Evaluation of Open Source Surface Reconstruction Software for Robotic Applications. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems – Special Issue on Advanced Robotics. Springer Verlag, Volume 77, Issue 1, pp 149-170, January 2015.


  • Thomas Wiemann, Marcel Mrozinski, Dominik Feldschnieders, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg. Data Handling in Large Scale Surface Reconstruction. Proc. 13th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-13), July 15-19, 2014, Padova, Italy.

  • Henning Deeken, Thomas Wiemann, Sebastian Pütz, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg. Integrating Semantic Information in Navigational Planning. ISR/Robotik 2014, June 2-4, 2014, Munich.

  • Kai Lingemann. Lokalisierung und Kartenbau mit mobilen Robotern. Dissertation. Universität Osnabrück, April 2013.

  • Thomas Wiemann, Johannes Heitmann, Marcel Mrozinski, Tristan Igelbrink, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg. Repräsentation Geometrischer und Semantischer Informationen in einem Geoinformationssystem für Mobile Roboter. In: Luhmann/Müller (eds.): Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechnik. Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2014, Wichmann Verlag, 2014


  • Thomas Wiemann, Hendrik Annuth, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg. An Evaluation of Open Source Surface Reconstruction Software for Robotic Applications. 16th Intl. Conf. Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2013), Nov 25-29, 2013, Montevideo, Uruguay.

  • Kim Oliver Rinnewitz, Thomas Wiemann, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg. Automatic Creation and Application of Texture Patterns to 3D Polygon Maps. 2013 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013), Nov 3-7, 2013, Tokyo, pp. 3691-3696

  • Thomas Wiemann, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Automatic Map Creation for Environment Modelling in Robotic Simulators. 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, May 27-30, 2013.


  • Thomas Wiemann, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. A Toolkit for Automatic Generation of Polygonal Maps – Las Vegas Reconstruction. 7th German Conf. on Robotics (Robotik 2012), May 21-22, 2012, München

  • Joachim Hertzberg, Kai Lingemann, and Andreas Nüchter. Mobile Roboter. Eine Einführung aus Sicht der Informatik. Springer, 2012

  • Yukihiro Tobata, Ryo Kurazume, Yusuke Noda, Kai Lingemann, Yumi Iwashita, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Laser-based geometrical modeling of large-scale architectural structures using co-operative multiple robots, Autonomous Robots, Vol.32, No.1, Januar 2012.


  • Jochen Sprickerhof, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim Hertzberg. A Heuristic Loop Closing Technique for Large-Scale 6D SLAM. Automatika 52(3):199-222, 2011, Special Issue Selected papers from the 4th European Conference on Mobile Robotics

  • Dorit Borrmann, Jan Elseberg, Kai Lingemann, and Andreas Nüchter. The 3D Hough Transform for Plane Detection in Point Clouds - A Review and A new Accumulator Design, Journal 3D Research, ISSN 2092-6731, Springer, Volume 2, Number 2, March 2011

  • Florian Otte, Johannes Zimmermann, Jochen Sprickerhof, Kai Lingemann, Thomas Wiemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Automatisiertes Auffinden und Auffüllen von Scanschatten in 3D-Laserscans. Proc. Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2011, Feb 2011


  • Jan Elseberg, Dorit Borrmann, Andreas Nüchter, and Kai Lingemann. Non-Rigid Registration and Rectification of 3D Laser Scans, In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '10), Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010.

  • Thomas Wiemann, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Stefan Stiene, Joachim Hertzberg Automatic Construction of Polygonal Maps from Point Cloud Data. Proc. 8th IEEE Intl. Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR-2010), Jul 26-30, 2010, Bremen, Germany

  • Joachim Hertzberg, Kai Lingemann, Christopher Lörken, Andreas Nüchter, Stefan Stiene and Thomas Wiemann. 3D-Roboterkartenbau in Osnabrück, KI Künstliche Intelligenz: Themenschwerpunk Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). [Get Paper (PDF)]

  • Dorit Borrmann, Jan Elseberg, Kai Lingemann, and Andreas Nüchter. A Data Structure for the 3D Hough Transform for Plane Detection, in Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV '10), Lecce, Italy, June 2010

  • Jan Wülfing, Joachim Hertzberg, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Thomas Wiemann, and Stefan Stiene. Towards Real Time Robot 6D Localization in a Polygonal Indoor Map Based on 3D ToF Camera Data, in Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV '10), Lecce, Italy, June 2010.

  • Dorit Borrmann, Jan Elseberg, Kai Lingemann, and Andreas Nüchter. Verbesserte Kartenqualität durch Thin Plate Splines und Hough-Transformation, in Photogrammetrie Laserscanning Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2010, Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfr./Whv., ISBN 978-3-87907-494-5, pages 134-141, Wichmann Verlag, February 2010.


  • Jochen Sprickerhof, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg. An Explicit Loop Closing Technique for 6D SLAM, In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR '09), Mlini/Dubrovnic, Croatia, September 2009. [Get Paper (PDF)] [Get Videos].

  • Ryo Kurazume, Yusuke Noda, Yukihiro Tobata, Kai Lingemann, Yumi Iwashita, Tsutomu Hasegawa. Laser-based Geometric Modeling using Cooperative Multiple Mobile Robots, in Proceedings IEEE International Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA '09), Kobe, Japan, May 2009.


  • Thomas Wiemann, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Stefan Stiene, and Joachim Hertzberg. Surface Reconstruction for 3D Robotic Mapping. In Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D-Mapping at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '08), Nice, France, September 2008.

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Evaluating a 3D Camera for RoboCup Rescue. In Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2008: International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology (SICE '08), ISBN 978-4-907764-29-6, pages 2070 - 2075, Tokyo, Japan, August, 2008.

  • Dorit Borrmann, Jan Elseberg, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. The Efficient Extension of Globally Consistent Scan Matching to 6 DoF. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT '08), Available electronically as Tech Report GT-IC-08-05 from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, pages 29-36, June 2008 [Get Paper] [Get Video] [Addendum].

  • Joachim Hertzberg, Kai Lingemann, Christopher Lörken, Andreas Nüchter, and Stefan Stiene. Does it help a robot navigate to call navigability an affordance?. In Towards Affordance-Based Robot Control. Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar 06231, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 5-9, 2006, Springer (LNAI vol. 4760), ISBN 978-3-540-77914-8, pp. 16-26, 2008. [Get Paper] [Springer Link]

  • Dorit Borrmann, Jan Elseberg, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. Globally consistent 3D mapping with scan matching. Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems (JRAS), Elsevier Science, Volume 56, Issue 2, ISSN 0921-8890, pages 130 - 142, February 2008, [ScienceDirect Link] [Get Paper] [Get Videos] [Addendum].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Dorit Bormann, Jan Elseberg, and Jan Böhm. Global Konsistente 3D-Kartierung mit Scanmatching. in Photogrammetrie Laserscanning Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2008, Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfr./Whv. ISBN 978-3-87907-463-1, Wichmann Verlag, pages 194 - 201, February 2008.


  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann, 6D SLAM - 3D Mapping Outdoor Environments, Journal of Field Robotics (JFR), Special Issue on Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Robotic and Intelligent Systems, Wiley & Son, ISSN 1556-4959, Volume 24, Issue 8-9, pages 699 - 722, August - September, 2007.

  • Andreas Bartel, Frank Meyer, Christopher Sinke, Thomas Wiemann, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Real-Time Outdoor Trail Detection on a Mobile Robot. In Proceedings of Robotics and Applications and Telematics, ISBN 978-0-88986-686-7, pages 477 - 482, Würzburg, Germany, August 2007, [Get Paper and Videos].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. 6D SLAM with Cached k-d tree Search. In Proceedings of the 13th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, ISBN 978-0-88986-686-7, pages 181 - 186, Würzburg, Germany, August 2007.

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Cached k-d tree search for ICP algorithms. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '07), IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN 0-7695-2939-9, pages 419 - 426, Montreal, Canada, August 2007, [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML Version].

  • Giovanni Indiveri, Andreas Nüchter, and Kai Lingemann. High Speed Differential Drive Mobile Robot Path Following Control With Bounded Wheel Speed Commands, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference Robotics and Automation (ICRA '07), ISBN 1-4244-0602-1, pages 2202 - 2207, Rome, Italy, April 2007, [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Stefan Stiene, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. An Experiment in Semantic Correction of Sensor Data, (Poster) in Proceedings Workshop on Semantic Information in Robotics at the IEEE International Conference Robotics and Automation (ICRA '07), Rome, Italy, April 2007, [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann and Joachim Hertzberg. 6D SLAM with Kurt3D, Robotics Today, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, First Quater, Vol. 20, No. 1, April, 2007, [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Johannes Steger, Robert Märtin, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim Hertzberg, and Peter König. Laser range scans of natural scenes for the evaluation of stereo- matching algorithms. Poster at ICVS Workshop From Computational Cognitive Neuroscience to Computer Vision (CCNCV '07) Bielefeld, Germany, March 2007.

  • Johannes Steger, Robert Märtin, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim Hertzberg, and Peter König. Assessing stereo matching algorithms using ground-truth disparity maps of natural scenes, (Poster), in Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society / 31th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Neuroforum 2007, Göttingen, Germany, 2007.

  • Lars Kunze, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. Salient Visual Features to Help Close the Loop in 6D SLAM, in Proceedings of the ICVS Workshop on Computational Attention & Applications (WCAA '07), Bielefeld, Germany, ISBN 978-3-00-020933-8, March 2007, [Get Paper (PDF)].


  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann and Oliver Wulf (Eds.). Robotic 3D Environment Cognition, Workshop at the International Conference Spatial Cognition, Bremen, Germany 2006, [Get Workshop Proceedings (PDF)].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann and Joachim Hertzberg. 6D SLAM with Kurt3D, in Robotic 3D Environment Cognition, Workshop at the International Conference Spatial Cognition, Bremen, Germany 2006. [Get Paper (PDF)]

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann. 6D SLAM -- Mapping Outdoor Environments, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Safty, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR '06), (CDROM Proceedings), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, August 2006,

  • Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim Hertzberg, Oliver Wulf, Bernardo Wagner, Kai Pervölz, Hartmut Surmann, and Thomas Christaller. RoboCupRescue2006 -- Robot League, Deutschland1 (Germany), in Team Description Paper, Rescue Robot League Competition, (CDROM Proceedings), Bremen, Germany, June 2006, [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Sven Albrecht, Joachim Hertzberg, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Jochen Sprickerhof, Stefan Stiene. Device Level Simulation of Kurt3D Rescue Robots, in Third International Workshop on Synthetic Simulation and Robotics to Mitigate Earthquake Disaster (SRMED 2006). CDROM Proceedings, June 2006 [Get Paper (PDF)] [Get Paper (HTML)].

  • Stefan Stiene, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. Contour-based Object Detection in Range Images, in Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT '05), CDROM Proceedings, June 2006. [Get Paper (PDF)]

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Extracting Drivable Surfaces in Outdoor 6D SLAM, in Proceedings of the 37nd International Symposium on Robotics (ISR '06) and 4th German Conference Robotik 2006, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, Munich, Germany, 2006. [Get Paper (PDF)] [Get Paper (HTML)] [Get Surface Animation (DivX)] [Get Marching Cubes Representation (DivX)]

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, Oliver Wulf, Bernardo Wagner, Kai Pervölz, Hartmut Surmann, Thomas Christaller. The RoboCup Rescue Team Deutschland1, KI – Künstliche Intelligenz No. 2, pp. 24 - 29, ISSN 0933-1875, May 2006 [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Kurt3D -- A Mobile Robot for 3D Mapping of Environments, ELROB Technical Paper, Hammelburg, Germany, May 2006. [Get Technical Paper (PDF)] [Get Team Information (PDF)] [Get Vehicle Specification Sheet (PDF)] [Get Team Roster (PDF)].


  • Kai Lingemann, Hartmut Surmann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Position und Orientierung eines navigierenden Systems. Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2004 015 111 A1 2005.10.20, Deutsches Patentamt. Offenlegungstag 20.10.2005 [Get Paper] [European Patent office]

  • Hartmut Surmann, Kai Pervölz, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Matthias Hennig. Simultaneous Mapping and Localization of Rescue Environments in it- Information Technology 47 (2005) 5, pages 282 - 291, Oldenbourg press, ISSN 1611-2776, October 2005. (Note: The paper is an extended version of the SSRR 2005 best paper awarded paper "Mapping of Rescue Environments with Kurt3D")

  • Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann. About the Control of High Speed Mobile Indoor Robots, in Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR '05), ISBN 88-89177-187, pages 218 - 223, Ancona, Italy, September 2005. [Get Paper and Video]

  • Joachim Hertzberg, Kai Lingemann, and Andreas Nüchter. USARSIM -- Game-Engines in der Robotik-Lehre, in A. B. Cremers et al. (eds.): Informatik 2005 -- Informatik LIVE, vol.1 (Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn). ISBN 3-88579-396-2, pages 158-162 Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, September 2005. [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann. Heuristic-Based Laser Scan Matching for Outdoor 6D SLAM, in KI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 28th Annual German Conference on AI, Proceedings. Springer (Berlin) LNAI vol. 3698, ISBN 3-540-28761-2, pages 304-319. Koblenz, Germany, September 2005. [Get Paper and Video]

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann. Accurate Object Localization in 3D Laser Range Scans, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR '05), ISBN 0-7803-9178-0, pages 665 - 672, Seattle, USA, July 2005, [Get Paper (PDF)] [Get Paper (HTML)].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann. 6D SLAM with Approximate Data Association, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR '05), ISBN 0-7803-9178-0, pages 242 - 249, Seattle, USA, July 2005, [Get Paper (PDF)] [Get Paper (HTML)].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Oliver Wulf, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, Bernardo Wagner, and Hartmut Surmann, 3D Mapping with Semantic Knowledge, in Proceedings of the RoboCup International Symposium 2005, Osaka, Japan, July 2005, [Get Paper (PDF)] [Get Paper (HTML)].

  • Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Matthias Hennig, Kai Pervölz, Oliver Wulf, Joachim Hertzberg, Bernardo Wagner, and Thomas Christaller. RoboCupRescue - Robot League Team, Team Deutschland1 (Germany) Team Description Paper, Rescue Robot League Competition, (CDROM Proceedings) (RoboCup 2005), Osaka, Japan, July 2005, (6th place), [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Pervölz, Matthias Hennig, K. R. Tiruchinapalli, Rainer Worst, and Thomas Christaller, Mapping of Rescue Environments with Kurt3D, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Safty, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR '05), ISBN 0-7803-8946-8, pages 158 - 163, Kobe, Japan, June 2005, (best paper award) [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann. High-Speed Laser Localization for Mobile Robots, Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 51(4):275-296, 2005 [ScienceDirect link] [Get Paper (PDF)].


  • Kai Lingemann, Hartmut Surmann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. Indoor and Outdoor Localization for Fast Mobile Robots, in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '04), ISBN 0-7803-8464-4, pages 2185 - 2190, Sendai, Japan, September 2004. [Get Paper (PDF)]

  • Kai Lingemann. Schnelles Pose-Tracking auf Laserscan-Daten für autonome mobile Roboter, in Fraunhofer Series in Information and Communication Technology, Shaker-Verlag, Band 7/2004. ISBN: 3-8322-2825-X.

  • Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. 6D SLAM - Preliminary Report on closing the loop in Six Dimensions, in Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV '04), Elsevier, ISBN 008-044237-4, Lissabon, Portugal, June 2004 (2005), [Get Paper and Video].

  • Hartmut Surmann, Rainer Worst, Matthias Hennig, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Pervoelz, Kiran Raj Tiruchinapalli, Thomas Christaller, and Joachim Hertzberg. RoboCup Rescue - Robot League Team KURT3D, Germany, Team Description Paper, Rescue Robot League Competition (CDROM Proceedings RoboCup 2004), Portugal, July 2004, (vice world champion), [Get Paper].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Sebastian Thrun. 6D SLAM with Application in Autonomous Mine Mapping, in Proceedings IEEE 2004 International Conference Robotics and Automation (ICRA '04), New Orleans, USA, Omnipress, ISBN 0-7803-8233-1, pages 1998 - 2003, April 2004, [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML version] [Get Video].

  • Dominik Giel, Susanne Frey, Andrea Thelen, Jens Bongartz, Peter Hering, Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Ultra-fast holographic recording and automatic 3D scan matching of living human faces, in PERSPECTIVE IN IMAGE-GUIDED SURGERY, Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV '04), World Scientific, ISBN 981-238-872-9, Book of Abstracts: ISBN 3-9807690-5-4 (Kreative Konzepte, Remagen), Remagen, Germany, March 2004 [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML version]


  • Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Semantic Scene Analysis of Scanned 3D Indoor Environments, in Proceedings of the 8th International Fall Workshop Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2003 (VMV '03), IOS Press, ISBN 3-89838-048-3, pages 215 - 222, Munich, Germany, November 2003, [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML Version].

  • Hartmut Surmann, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Kurt3D - An Autonomous Mobile Robot for Modelling the World in 3D, in ERCIM NEWS 55 : 24 - 25, ISSN 0926-4981, October 2003, [online article] [Get Magazine (PDF)] [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, Kai Pervölz, and Joachim Hertzberg. Video: Autonomous Mobile Robots for 3D Digitalization of Environments, in Video Theatre of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '03), Banff, Canada, October 2003, [Download Video].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg: Consistent 3D Model Construction with Autonomous Mobile Robots A. Günter et al. (eds.): KI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 26th Annual German Conference on AI, Proceedings Springer LNAI vol. 2821, ISBN 3-540-20059-2, pages 550 - 564, Hamburg, Germany, September 2003, [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML Version].


  • Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. Fast acquiring and analysis of three dimensional laser range data, in Proceedings of the 6th International Fall Workshop Vision, Modelling, and Visualization 2001 (VMV '01), pages 59 - 66, ISBN 3-89838-028-9, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2001, [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML Version].

  • Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann. Ein 3D Laserscanner für autonome mobile Roboter, in Proceedings of the 3. Fachwissenschaftlicher Informatikkongress - Informatiktage 2001, pages 89 - 92, Bad Schussenried, Germany, November 2001 (2002), [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. A 3D laser range finder for autonomous mobile robots, in Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Robotics (ISR '01), pages 153 - 158, ISBN 89-88366-04-2, Seoul, Korea, May 2001, [Get Paper (PDF)].

  • Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg. Aufbau eines 3D-Laserscanners für autonome mobile Roboter, GMD-Report 126, ISBN 3-88457-974-6, Sankt Augustin, Germany, March 2001, [Abstract] [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML Version].

Kai Lingemann Teaching Publications Videos Press Downloads (KBS)

Last changed: 2005-06-28