Here is a list of the teaching activities of the group at the
University of Osnabrück. Web pages for the respective courses
are available locally at the University via Stud.IP. Externals,
please contact group members if interested in details of one of our
courses. Most teaching is done in German, as visible from the titles
of the respective courses.
Courses recurring every semester
At every semester, we teach the following three courses, with differing topics in detail:
AG Wissensbasierte Robotik: A reading group with restricted participation,
consisting of reading jointly some AI/robotics-relevant book, typically one chapter per week.
Graduiertenseminar Wissensbasierte Systeme: A seminar with individual talks of
Bachelor/ Master/ PhD candidates describing their respective thesis work. Sometimes,
guests are invited.
More courses in the coming/current semester
In addition to the regular courses named above, we will teach these courses in
the coming semester, which is
Summer semester 06:
Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz (Vorlesung + Übung) (4+2 SWS, 9 ECTS):
AI introduction, based on Russell/Norvig, see WS 2004/05
Seminar Knowledge-Based Robotics (2 SWS, 3 ECTS): Seminar with papers taken from a recent (2005) robotics conference proceedings
Praktikum RoboCup Rescue: A robotics practical, 4 hrs/week (6 ECTS)
Summer semester 2005
Praktikum RoboCup Rescue: A robotics practical, 4 hrs/week (6 ECTS)
Wissensbasierte Robotik (Vorlesung + Übung) (4+2 SWS, 9 ECTS):
Introduction to mobile robotics, based on the books by Siegwart/Nourbakhsh and Dudek/Jenkin and on additional material.
Practical exercises using the KURT2 robots.
Seminar Planning Systems (2 SWS, 3 ECTS). Referring chapters from the book by Ghallab/Nau/Traverso.
Winter semester 2004/2005
Praktikum Mobile Robotik: A robotics practical, 4 hrs/week (6 ECTS)